
Through steady walks ,I kept advancing towards … well ,uncertainty .

Stepping ahead, one foot in front of the other ; till I strayed too far off.

Almost fell of the iron ledge.

It was only when I was at the edge

that I turned around and noticed ,

there was no iron ledge.

I glared at it,

Wanting to believe ,

dying to believe

and it started to dissipate;

Fading from iron to wobbly, crumbling stacks of rocks ,

to a dilapidated twig work,

to puffy bales of cotton

and eventually , to blocks of air.

I expected pangs of vertigo to hit me and spiral me down,

for I was staring into pits below ,

rock bottoms.

But they never did.

I stayed afloat, somehow .

There was an eerie silence for a brief while

,but all that hurt was the dissipation and nothing else.

Everything else was calm and in sorts.

I drew a long breath , checking to see if I was alive.

I leveled my eyes with my supposed origin,

Smiled and turned back;

Because now I knew,

All along, I was the Iron ledge.

And bitch, did I run.

The Inferno I Know.

What do you do when you feel like a person, trapped inside someone else’s body?

How do you deal with it ?

Can you rescue all of you ?Or is it just that ,you can salvage some parts?

What do you  do when you cannot relate to your aesthetics ? When the thing you are supposed to be so connected with , doesn’t seem to be yours at all….

I wonder , did you just hit the glass ceiling and decide on disintegrating into pieces?

Are you just like a butterfly  entrapped by a bottle?

Or a dilapidated, broken off twig carried away by the waves?

You make no efforts , you cannot process it. All these years and you still cannot process it.

What are you?

Where are you?

What do you need?

And why do I feel like you are watching me?

Are you? Please leave me alone.